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Keeping Occupied While Social Distancing

amy 5 min read

Keeping Occupied While Social Distancing

Amy Petrucci 5 min read

During these uncertain times, many of us are feeling anxious, uneasy, and bored. These feelings are universal and understandable. While social distancing and self-quarantine is the best thing to do to flatten the curve of COVID-19, it’s hard to figure out what to do with ourselves. The silver lining in all of this is that we can take a moment to pause our busy schedules and spend time on things we’re not always able to do.

Live a Hygge Lifestyle

Hygge, is the Scandinavian concept of “coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.” It’s closely derived from words like comfort, console, and hug. It celebrates all things simple and cozy at home. Hygge typically happens during in the Winter months when it tends to be dark and cold; a way to treat seasonal affective disorder. Ideas to embrace this solace is wearing cozy socks, wrapping oneself in a flannel blanket, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy the company of those that you live with. According to Helen Russel, who wrote “TheYear of Living Danishly”, hygge is about “taking pleasure in the presence of gentle, soothing things.” Hygge costs nothing and takes minimal effort. This may explain why the Swedes, Danes, and Norwegians are some of the happiest people on earth.

Get Crafty

Time to pull out the sewing kit, knitting needles, and scrapbook for that project you’ve been meaning to work on, but haven’t been able to get to. Maybe work on a home project or a handmade gift to give to family or friends for when it’s safe to be back in social settings. Many online stores remain open, so supplies can still be ordered and delivered to you without having to leave your home.

Express Your Artistic Self

What better way to try something new or sharpen your artistic skills than from the comfort of your home? You don’t have to worry about showing it off (unless you want to), so you can feel free to create without judgement. Hobbies such as creative writing, playing an instrument, trying a new makeup look, and photography do not require going out. Personally, I want to spend more time writing and singing (two things I greatly enjoy), but don’t get to do as often as I would like. Obviously, I will be playing with makeup on the daily.


It’s ok to feel a vast array of emotions. Whatever it is, write it down. Whether you have a fancy journal or a yellow lined notepad, jot down your thoughts and keep a list of things you’re grateful for. Not only will this provide catharsis, it will provide you quiet, peaceful time, and you’ll have a record (should you choose to keep it) of your feelings during this strange period in history.


Working from home during the shutdown has had many people including myself sitting more than ever. It’s important to get some physical activity in. The easiest way is to stretch. I suggest getting up and stretching every hour. If you live in an area where you can go outside, go for nice long walks and enjoy nature. Spring is here in the Western Hemisphere, so that means sunnier skies and warmer weather to enjoy. Want something more intensive? Workout apps or free videos on YouTube can help you squash your fitness goals.

Learn for Free

Did you know that there are hundreds of free online courses from Ivy League schools? Yes, you can say you’re taking a class from Harvard, Princeton or Yale. We’re never too young or too old to learn something new. For a full list of these classes, click here. One class I’m particularly interest in is Yale’s “The Science of Well-Being” which is all about being happier in your daily life. First created as a response to concerning levels of student depression, anxiety, and stress, this is now the most popular class in Yale’s history. The topic of this course couldn’t be a better fit for the times we’re living in.

Additionally, some of the world’s most popular museums are offering free digital tours while closed to the public. Why not peruse the Louvre when you have some time to kill?

Healthy Home-cooked Meals

Being so close to our kitchens makes this the opportune time to try out a new recipe and eat healthier. Believe me, it can be difficult to not want to scarf down everything in the pantry out of boredom, but my husband and I have really made it a priority to prepare dished made from nutrient-dense whole foods. If you’re not a vegetarian or vegan, this is a great time to try out cruelty-free recipes. There are a lot of free online resources and downloadable ebooks to try something new. We’ve been loving pulling out cookbooks we have in the house: The Happy Herbivore by Lindsay S. Nixon and 30 Minute Vegan Dinners by Megan Sadd.

Stream It

Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+ – stream it, baby! Now is the time to get invested in an entertaining movie, show or documentary. There’s something for everyone.


C.S. Lewis once said, “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” Books are probably one of my favorite things on earth. They’re the ultimate pastime and great way to engage your imagination. Luckily, we have access to them at home, eBooks, Audible, and can still order new ones for delivery. I’m already on my second book whilst in isolation. You know what genre I really love? Magical realism. If interested I highly recommend The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke – both brilliantly written.

Quality Time with Furbabies

Above is a glamour shot of Compassionate Chic’s mascot, Mittens aka Loaf, Tater Tot, Tub Tub, Mitt Mitt, Mitty, and the Leviathan. Our pets are over the moon that we’re home 24/7. For them, they used to patiently wait for us to get home every day. Think about how special this time is for them and for you. Cuddle your furbabies, play with them, go for walks (if they go outside). Enjoy the company of their unconditional love.

In Summation

Just try to take it every minute, every hour, every day at a time. Try to enjoy the simplicity of it all. Take deep breaths and know that we’re in this together. We will be ok.

Amy Petrucci

💄 Makeup Enthusiast 🐰 Forever Against Animal Testing 🐈‍⬛ Mother of Cats Cottage Core/Light & Dark Academia Creator:

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Hiya, I’m Amy

Hiya, I’m Amy

I created this site to show that anyone can make a difference, big or small, by the purchases they make. Saving animals and playing with makeup is just really cool, too.

Amy Petrucci

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